Cybersecurity Career Resources
Considering a Career in Cybersecurity? Checking out these websites and articles for more information!
One of our chapter members and a Director of Membership, Christopher Hickernell, put together a fantastic set of references and guides to help one consider a career in cybersecurity.
Visit: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/cybersecurity-101-christopher-hickernell/
One of our chapter members and a recognizable cybersecurity leader here in Central Florida, Ean has put together a fantastic page of starter information. Resources and links to conferences, books, websites, CTFs and much more. If you're lucky you can see him at BSides Orlando conferences.
Brian Krebs (who is someone you want to follow online for his cybersecurity stores) wrote an article about things to consider if looking to join the cybersecurity field. It's a quick read, so we encourage you to check it out.
Visit: https://krebsonsecurity.com/category/how-to-break-into-security/