About Us
Founded in 2012, the ISC2 Central Florida Chapter is an official chapter of ISC2. Based in Orlando, our purpose is to provide educational opportunities for management, operational and technical aspects of the information security field.

Walter Speelman, CISSP, CCSP
The president shall be chief executive officer of the corporation and, subject to the control of the directors, shall have general charge and supervision of the affairs of the corporation. The president shall preside at all meetings of the members and shall be chairman of the Board of Directors. The president shall have the obligation to report to the membership in writing [at least quarterly] regarding the activities of the corporation during that quarter. The president shall not hold an executive officer position with any other competing security professional association.
Vice President
The executive vice president (EVP) shall be an executive officer of the corporation and, subject to the control of the directors, shall have general charge and supervision of the affairs of the corporation in the absence of the president. The EVP shall preside at all meetings of the members and shall be chairman of the Board of Directors in the absence of the president. The EVP shall have the obligation to ensure an executive report is published to the membership in writing [at least quarterly] regarding the activities of the corporation during that quarter. The EVP shall not hold an executive officer position with any other competing security professional association.

David Keletski-Maisel, CC
Membership Chair
The membership chair shall also be known as the “Vice President-Membership” and will assume all duties relating to membership and membership record keeping. He or she shall also have the responsibility of communicating with all candidates for corporate membership and nominees for election to an officer or director position.

Eric Lockshine, CISSP
The treasurer shall also been known as the “Vice President-Finance” and will be the chief financial officer and the chief accounting officer of the corporation. The treasurer shall receive all money, keep amount of the same, and on approval of the Board of Directors make all proper disbursements. The treasurer’s accounts shall be audited annually by an audit committee elected annually by a majority of the members at the annual meeting of the corporation.

Monica Owen-Perez
Secretary / Events Director
The secretary shall also been known as the “Vice President-Corporate Communication” and will have possession of the records of the corporation and of the Board of Directors. The recording secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings and be responsible for giving notice of meetings as set forth under these Bylaws. The secretary shall be in charge of all correspondence of the corporation and have such other duties, as the president deems appropriate.

Jack Norman, CISSP
Education Director
As Education Director, this role will be responsible for coordinating the education events for the chapter which will be available to our members. Supporting that position as Outreach Director, Tom will also work with various groups to support the chapter with the education and monthly events.

Dan Meystrik
Sponsorship Director
The Sponsorship Director coordinates all communications with vendors and outside companies that are generously giving of their finances to help support the chapter.
Communications Director
The Communications Director is responsible for communications via email, social media or mail to the membership.